Would you like to go even deeper? Try incorporating greater appreciation into your life in the following simple ways with suggestions from Heartmath. Take two or three appreciation breaks each day, ideally in early morning, at work or school, while returning home or before bed. Simply follow the steps above. It takes as little as two minutes to achieve mental, emotional and physical balance. Make a list of things you appreciate such as people, places, activities and pets and choose one or two each morning to hold in your heart during the day. Choose one to hold in your heart throughout the night while you rest. Keep your Appreciation List close by all day, perhaps in a pocket or purse, at your desk or computer. In stressful moments, choose something from your list that can quickly evoke a feeling of appreciation: It can transform a long and stressful day into one that flows — amazingly in 30 seconds or less. Click on the Heartmath Link to find out more - www.heartmath.org/resources/heartmath-tools/heartmath-appreciation-tool-and-exercises/ Read your Appreciation List whenever you are able to!
![]() "Comedy lets me be a 'real' person. And I know that when I do screw up, I'll forgive myself, too. because that's big when it comes to overall positivity." - Anna Faris, Wife, Mother, Actor Positivity can impact your health and quality of life in a big way! If a mistake you've made keeps coming to mind, banish it. Forgiveness to yourself can help myriads of health issues. Forgiveness and positivity helps your body-fields to flourish. Positive thought power is approximately 5 times more powerful than negative thought power. So all of us here on earth have negativity hit us occasionally. It is part of the human experience. We have power given to us by our wonderful Creator, God that we can overcome circumstances and negativity easilty. We are more powerful than we have been taught. Positivity and negativity have impacts on us, the people around us, and the earth. Our hearts have neuro-tissue, they give light, they project energy. We encourage you to check out Heart Math. Here is a link to the "Heartmath Appreciation Tool" which increases well-being, boosts the immune system, uplifts and inspires. Check it out, it is free for you to use! www.heartmath.org/resources/heartmath-tools/heartmath-appreciation-tool-and-exercises/ ![]() From Dr. Mercola: A number of recent investigations have revealed a significant truth: The sugar industry has long known that sugar consumption triggers poor health, but hid the incriminating data, much like the tobacco industry hid the evidence linking smoking to lung cancer. The most recent of these investigations, based on unearthed historical documents, found the sugar industry buried evidence from the 1960s that linked sugar consumption to heart disease and cancer. The research didn’t see the light of day again until Cristin E. Kearns, assistant professor at UCSF School of Dentistry, discovered caches of internal industry documents stashed in the archives at several universities. The unearthing of these documents has resulted in three separate papers showing how the industry has systematically misled the public and public health officials about the dangers of sugar. <3 My hope is that my family & friends here will take note, research it (see YouTube's "Learn the facts about sugar" https://youtu.be/XM0vyUUvO9E ) and then take steps to reduce your sugar intake. It could be the difference between an enjoyable life or a life spent in misery. Your health is valuable. Even though you feel fine today, if you have a high sugar intake, then at some point it will catch up to you. My prayer and hope is that my family and friends will not face debilitating health from this insidious toxin! Please read the full article here in Dr. Mercola's Link: articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/12/06/industry-buried-evidence-hiding-sugar-harms.aspx?utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20171206Z2&et_cid=DM169625&et_rid=143071146&utm_source=getresponse&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=allnutritionists&utm_content=The+shocking+truth+about+sugar ![]() "How are you doing?" (No, Really, how are you?) How many times do you answer this question in a positive manner when you know inside there is something not right. We answer with a short, positive, quick answer "Fine!" "OK!" "Great!" knowing that the "asker" did not intend to be a therapist! (Or the asker is not asking you to "vent", and you know this.) Emotions in our society is downplayed, as something we are in control of, or - we should be. And if we do have an issue, we feel others think that it is somehow our fault! Emotions can be a source of illness or illnesses. We deal with emotional health at Trinity Holistic Wellness. Without good emotional health, it is difficult to truly enjoy healthy living. We have several ways in which we can help with emotional healing and restoration. Neurofeedback is one way we can help by re-training the brain. It is an excellent method to resolve Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. And trust me - - everyone has some form(s) of PTSD, ranging from mild to extreme. Bioenergetics![]() Another method we can use is through Bioenergetics. Our state-of-the-art NES Health is a Quantum Bioenergetics System. It scans 145 different body-fields to map out blockages caused by emotions. These blockages are then energetically treated and cleared, and thus healing begins to take place. We have had tremendous success with NES. ![]() A more traditional method is Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is an extremely effective way to help healing as it deals directly with your subconscious. Weight gain and smoking are two issues that result from emotional stressors. Hypnotherapy deals with the emotional issue that is causing the anxiety and stress. Once this is released, then weight gain and smoking (nail biting and other issues) stops. We can then help with weight loss and non-invasive fat loss through FDN and/or the Contour Light System. Being an optimal weight is necessary for health, well-being and longevity. It is part of the total picture of health and emotional wellness. It is about feeling your best! Metabolic Chaos is another major issue that is rampant in our society today, which can feed emotional imbalances. Metabolic Chaos causes things such as insomnia, foggy brain, lethargy, fatigue, pain, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and more. Our patients report they have much more energy as the Metabolic Chaos begins to resolve! We help the total person. Call today for your consultation to begin a healthier lifestyle, and begin to feel more energy, more life! 281-367-9292. |
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